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Why Join?

djs4u and bands4u is the first and only online search and listing service for the Irish Entertainment industry.

For a fixed yearly fee, Djs and Bands register with the website and enter their own details and profiles. These are saved in the database and are then published on the website.

Potential clients such as those people organising parties, weddings, debs, corporate events etc, can then search the database, looking for a band or DJ that matches their criteria. The customer then contacts the DJ directly with enquiries or bookings. There is no fee for this service.

It's a great and unique idea - simple to use, and with useful features such as a access to your profile 24/7 to modify or amend any detail as often as needed.

bands4u.ie is your 24hour, seven day a week salesman (or person). Get your profile listed and get in front of prospective clients straightaway.

Simply click on "register" to get going.